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Livres en VO
"crise de la quarantaine", ca rime avec "mise en quarantaine" ?
Anne Coppenolle
- Edilivre
- Classique
- 10 Novembre 2015
- 9782332993687
C'est l'histoire de Diane.
En fait, c'est plutôt l'histoire de Diane et Guillaume, un couple qui, comme tant d'autres, doit un jour affronter la crise de la quarantaine. Ça passe ou ça casse !
Comment en sont-ils arrivés là ? Quelles sont les voies possibles pour passer le cap ? Vont-ils prendre le même chemin, le bon chemin ?
Diane se remémore sa vie jusqu'à présent, son parcours avec son conjoint, Guillaume, ainsi que les événements ou les signes qui pourraient expliquer, a posteriori, la situation dans laquelle ils sont plongés aujourd'hui.
Dans sa quête de compréhension, elle va découvrir ses vrais amis, rencontrer une psychologue, faire des tas de recherches et surtout discuter, parler, extérioriser ses émotions. Cette analyse va l'entraîner loin dans les souvenirs.
In Ivene, a country in Black Africa, the society was haunted by its own mores. Those who wanted to uphold the cruel rituals outrightly rejected the proponents of change. Plunged in its tragedy, adventures, drama and disarray, the Nation, upset and undecided, faced its social disintegration.
For a long time, this society sought, perhaps way behond what was necessary, the required scheme of evolution. In this social backdrop, appeared Azi Josué Marien, a man with accurate sense of smell, whose behaviour and achievement dazzled everyone in the city.
Spectacular as this city boy may be, the man perhaps didn't realise it, and the humanitarian role he played should have driven the country through success. Indeed, the moment when the Ivene society could read his mind, too late perhaps, things and people around the Ace of Spades had already turned the other way. It is in this context that the escalation went beyond control.
« Cock was crowing. Sun was still in its nest. Moon was slowly going to bed. Darkness was kingly acting. Some people had already awoken. That was the time for Balna and his aunt to get up, make fire and fetch water. She had spent all her time putting him far from the household works, but in vain. He was bent on helping her. After those usual activities, he used to get ready to go to school. Very courageous at home in spite of their living conditions, Balna was also a good student. »
The NGOS and the remote fundraising
Hicham Abdedine
- Edilivre
- Classique
- 19 Novembre 2015
- 9782334051262
This research is a look at the basics of fundraising for Solidarity International Organizations and national. This is an action research which puts light on the role and approach fundraising for to maintain their existence and sustain their field actions. Thus, this document provides essential elements to make NGOS effective fundraising, sustainable and relevant...
Reflections is a series of creative writing sections embracing Perusals (a set of fifty pithy thoughts about common life issues), Essays (ten attempts on different walks of life and issues), Autobiographies (a set of nine autobiographies and lives told by animals and objects relating their own histories) and Poetry (twenty-six poems related to twelve types of poetry writing : alliteration poetry, haiku poetry, epigram, epitaph, the limmerick, the elegy, free verse, the sonnet, the ballad, pastoral, epulaeryu, etheree, the ABC poetry and the colour poem.
The writer has thought it important to set up for his respectful readers these simple writings to read and form a critical reading mind about.
Mister Pip was a happy man until the day his wife was swept away by a sudden illness. Since that day he felt so alone that he decided to find a partner in order to spend a week's holiday in someone else's company. He put his photograph on the Internet accompanied by a short advert: 'man around fifty seeks woman around the same age to share common life.' He rented a small apartment near the sea which was perfect for a great love story. The big day arrived. The date was made to meet on a bench facing the Mediterranean Sea.
Monsieur Pip était un homme heureux, jusqu'au jour où sa femme fut emportée par une maladie foudroyante. Depuis, il se sentait si seul qu'il décida de trouver l'âme soeur pour passer une semaine de vacances en bonne compagnie. Il publia sa photo sur Internet, accompagnée d'un texte court : « Homme la cinquantaine cherche femme sensiblement du même âge pour partager vie commune. » Le petit appartement qu'il avait loué au bord de la mer était parfait pour une grande aventure amoureuse. Le grand jour arriva. Le rendez-vous avait été fixé sur un banc en face de la Méditerranée.
The Irresistible Treasure is about a wealth worth multiple billions located in a rich kingdom of Mayamba in the Republic of Makerun. Then Lokowasa, an international scholar who precipitately and constrainedly returns to his motherland, makes use of his expertise and prowess in technology and together with a gang of three other accomplices overcomes state security mechanisms and successfully steals the valuable treasure under state protection. The gang members are pursued and arrested after many skilful manoeuvres by a seasoned and professional senior police officer. They are condemned to 25 years imprisonment with hard labour. Five years later however and due to their repenting attitudes, they are fined, pardoned and trained into the army where they rise to the summit of the military hierarchy.
Povestea uniui scriitor fara curaj ; histoire d'un écrivain sans courage
Ana-daniela Marin
- Edilivre
- Classique
- 14 Janvier 2013
- 9782332523570
Ce livre nous conte les débuts littéraires de Mihai, auteur talentueux, mais mélancolique et peu sûr de lui. Aidé par Crina, jeune fille pétillante et moderne, il va lentement sortir de sa carapace et prendre conscience de son potentiel.
Aceasta carte ne arata inceputurile literare ale lui Mihai, autor talentuos, dar melancolic si putin sigur pe el. Ajutat de Crina, o tanara fata moderna si cu multa energie care incet, incet il va face sa iasa din carapacea lui si sa isi de-a seama de potentialul pe care il avea.
Koko et la reine d'Anglaterre ; Koko and the queen of England
Sylvia Floriane
- Edilivre
- Classique
- 16 Août 2010
- 9782812136672
Une nuit Koko le petit moineau rêve d'aller voir la reine d'Angleterre. Il décide de s'aventurer jusqu'à Londres. Ses deux amis, Kiki la pie et Koukou le coucou, sont très inquiets pour lui, car il semble si fragile sur ses petites pattes, et il a de si petites ailes, comment va-t-il pouvoir réaliser son rêve... ? One night Koko the little sparrow dreams about visiting the Queen of England. He decides to go to London. His two friends, Kiki the magpie and Koukou the cuckoo, are very worried about him, because he seems so fragile perched on his small legs and he has so little wings, how could he make his dream comes true.?
La tortilla de madera ; la Transformación de Isidro
José maría Gil pucho
- Edilivre
- Classique
- 18 Septembre 2015
- 9782332989765
Un empleado de banca sufre una insuficiencia psíquica que le impide seguir trabajando. Un fin de semana, él y su mujer, profesora de filosofía, salen a la sierra de Guadalajara para cambiar de aires y descansar en el campo. Durante un paseo, Isidro sufrirá un colapso mental y deberá ser internado en una casa de reposo donde seguirá un tratamiento poco común.
While all is quiet in the Stone family, Maria discovers a terrible news. She doesn't understand how it can be possible ! For her, it's just a horrible nightmare ! But the truth is that nothing will ever be the same
Ritounèl-Lè ou an mouvman sé dé ou twa mo kréyol an maké an 2014. Tout moun la ka di mwen kè an ni bèl pawol. Alos an di vat, é mi an fini pa maké ti moso adan pansé anmwen.
Sé mo la sa soti lèw vwè an vini a chanjé koté twa fwa adan lanné la. An soti Pawi mwen té alé rété an bwa a la Fwans. Dè bwa a la Fwans an désann Kalaoukéra pou an viwé monté anlè on mon an laliwondi a Pawi.
Malgwé sa moun ka di, kèlkanswa la ou yé, la vi ka déwoulé menm jan ba tout moun. Lè ou Pawi ou ka di sa méyè la kanpagn, lè ou an Fwans ou ka di kè viv a Kalaoukéra sé on chans. Lè ou Kalaoukéra ou ka santi kè an Fwans sé la biten la bon.
An final di kont, ki Pawi, ki bwa Fwans, ki Kalaoukéra, ki laliwondi a Pawi sé on bèl Ritounèl bèl.
Mon chè vini gadé sa, li sa, é wi sa avè mwen, é ben Doum !
"Percorri vários caminhos para escrever este livro. Falo da experiência com DEUS, vivida por pessoas que conheci. Elas me transmitiram exemplos concretos que nos asseguram que, neste mundo, nossos caminhos são abertos não por acaso. Nele, usei da ficção e do imponderável. Registrei diversas denúncias de agressões que o homem realiza no próprio mundo em que vive."
Motorcycle accident ; following bankruptcy a long depression ; true story
Jean-rock Leblanc
- Edilivre
- Classique
- 25 Février 2016
- 9782334105910
This is the story of a man who was misguided in early childhood.
It is the only family of that name from "£eßlanc" in the village, and he feels very alone.
Going through the ages, and many disastrous experiments later, he got ahead of his true Identity Search, its First Origin.
Some steps were funnier than others, but always with a bit of humor and no violence other than that the one he inflicted on himself.
You will find some suave sensuality, through some more comical adventures than others, that's no problem they are against all very interesting.
To help the meteoric rise of social problems among men, our protagonist will pay a house for Men in Emotional and Social Difficulty as 50% of Canadian money from his share for each book sold.
Accidente de motociclete ; después quiebra y larga depresión ; historia verdadera
Jean-rock Leblanc
- Edilivre
- Classique
- 20 Avril 2016
- 9782334138628
Todos estos textos fueron acumulados a través de los siglos. Algunos provienen de autores conocidos, algunos autores han conocido no sólo, pero lo cierto es que he embellecido lectura.
Usted encontrará alguna sensualidad suave a través de aventuras, algunas más divertido que otros, eso no es problema, ellos están en contra de todo muy interesante.
Para ayudar al meteórico ascenso de los problemas sociales entre los hombres, nuestro protagonista pagará una casa, que es encontrado, Hombres en dificultad Emocional y Social el 50% de sus acciones en dinero canadiense por cada libro vendido.
De mots à maux ; the wisdom of words ; la pena de las palabras
Jade Prévert
- Edilivre
- 14 Mars 2018
- 9782414162697
L'ouvrage trilingue (Français, Anglais, Espagnol) composé par Jade Prevert rassemble des pensées poétiques et une collection d'aphorismes sur l'amour. Elle s'y dévoile sans fard, comme dans un journal intime, partageant ses joies et ses peines. Consumée par un amour dévorant qui a mal fini, elle ressent la nostalgie des jours heureux. Mais elle puise la force de continuer à vivre selon ses convictions dans sa fragilité même, consciente que l'existence est faite de combats et de chutes. Ses paroles de sagesse incitent à savourer l'instant présent et à apprivoiser l'idée de la mort sans se laisser dévorer par la mélancolie.